Study & Write T13 (Two Linux distributions comparison)
In this post I would like to compare two Linux distributions. For this purpose, I chose Ubuntu Linux and Kali Linux. Ubuntu Linux Ubuntu is a Linux based Operating System that belongs to the Debian family of Linux. It was released on 20 October 2004. Ubuntu is free to use and is open source. It was developed by a team “Canonical”. Ubuntu consists of everything that is needed for everyday use: Mozilla Firefox browser, video and audio viewers pre-installed with many other useful applications for regular users to download. Also, Ubuntu has a Ubuntu Sever variant that is used for servers. Ubuntu Server is efficient for building top-performance, flexible, and secure data centers. Moreover, Chinese version of Ubuntu is used for running the world’s fastest supercomputer. Ubuntu uses KDE desktop environment and has a user-friendly interface that is perfect for Linux beginners. Kali Linux Kali Linux, just like Ubuntu, belongs to the Debian family of Linux. It was developed by “O...